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This forum is for announcements about the site and the board, "how to" information, etc. Some topics will allow discussion, and some may have polls, but only moderators may post new topics.

Moderator: Groceteria

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Great Pumpkin
Posts: 1972
Joined: 04 Nov 2005 12:13
Location: In the breakroom

Back for now

Post by Groceteria »

Obviously the board is back online after another issue involving bots. I've moved the board to a new host and URL, so I can (a) evaluate this new hosting platform and (b) isolate the message board from the site. I still seem to be getting hammered by the occasional spider/bot attack, but this host seems to do a better job of throttling the site and shaking them off.

As always, if the board goes down again for some reason, updates can be found on the main site or on Twitter.
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